Saturday, August 15, 2009

Trading Time for Time

There are no refunds on time. Once it’s used, it’s gone. It’s a resource. In everything we do, we are trading our time for something. We trade our time for money. We trade our time for entertainment. We trade our time for knowledge. We trade our time for great relationships. We all know these things but too many of us still waste our time. 

Here’s the key. As a basketball player, we must learn to trade our time for time! 

Research shows that on average, every 1 minute spent planning saves us 10 minutes of execution time. If this is true, then if we would just spend 10 minutes planning our workouts, knowing exactly what we’re going to do, we would save an hour and 40 minutes on the court. That is how we must trade our time. Through planning, we can use our time to gain more time on the court. 

So players…don’t just be satisfied with getting your time in the gym. Take the time to plan out your week, a whole month, or maybe even your entire off-season. Then watch as you are able to get more done then you ever imagined possible!

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