Saturday, August 15, 2009

The True Meaning of Intelligence

What is Intelligence? We tend to think intelligence is simply information and knowledge. But it’s not. Intelligence is not a high IQ or a 4.0 GPA in school. I agree with worldwide business leader, Brian Tracy, “Intelligence is a “way of acting.” 

I know of many so-called “intelligent” people who act very unintelligently. They know all the right stuff, but they don’t use what they know to move them ahead in life. They waste time, they make poor decisions; they are really not intelligent people. Think about it. It’s not how many ideas you have in life that matter; it’s about many ideas you act on! Having a high basketball IQ, then, is not how much you know about the game, it’s making great decisions on the court – acting intelligently.  

Here’s what is amazing. Every one has the ability to act intelligently. On average, 15 miutes of reading per day adds up to 15 books read per year. Intelligence is not so much the knowledge in books; intelligence is first the act of reading. Act intelligently, and you will gain intelligence. Make these kinds of decisions in your life and in the game of basketball, and you will dramatically increase your chances for success!

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